Why You Should Schedule A Frenectomy Sooner Rather Than Later

If your baby has been born with a short frenulum, you may notice that his or her tongue does not move about freely. It may seem stuck to the floor of the mouth. The frenulum is the band of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the lower palate. Some children are born with a frenulum that is not long enough to allow the tongue to move about as it should. Read More 

What Benefits Do Panoramic X-Rays Offer?

When you visit a dental clinic for a checkup, the dentist will probably do a number of things to see the condition of your teeth. One thing dentists do periodically is take panoramic x-rays. This type of x-ray is very different from bitewing x-rays, but it offers a lot of benefits, and that is why dentists use these. Here are several things to know about panoramic x-rays and the benefits they offer. Read More 

What Makes Dental Implants Expensive?

Dental implants are one of the more expensive solutions for dental reconstruction or tooth replacement. However, the cost is warranted, both because the procedure can be expensive and because the solution is one of the best out there. The Cost that Goes Into Dental Implants The materials themselves aren't the biggest cost with dental implants. Sure, the porcelain/resin tooth and the titanium post do cost some money. But what you are mostly paying for is the years and years of school a dentist goes through to become a specialist. Read More 

Did Your Dental Crown Break? Why You Should Consider Same-Day Restoration

Dental implants are arguably the best restorative option compared to semi-permanent solutions, like dentures. In fact, Colgate.com says that not only are these restorations natural looking, but that they are so durable that they can last as long as 25 years! So what if the crown on top of your implant wears down before that time? While that can be a frustrating prospect, restoring the crown doesn't have to take as long as the initial implantation process. Read More 

Options For Full Mouth Dental Reconstruction You Should Explore

Patients with a single missing tooth can have their mouths fixed without a lot of concern for cost or time. Those needing full mouth dental reconstruction will need to carefully go over options with their dentists every step of the way. Dental implantation might be requested by someone who has a flourishing model career, while bridges and partial dentures can work just fine for someone is just about to retire. If your dentist has told you that severe tooth decay has destroyed your smile and you need dental reconstruction to replace your original teeth, here's the rundown on the most commonly utilized options. Read More