Three Dental Care Misconceptions That Dentists Have Debunked

Dental care is perhaps among the first things people learn as children. From how to properly brush your teeth and the proper eating habits to prevent cavities. However, most of the information we learn concerning dental care as children is mainly derived from myths. Remember, a few decades ago, the medical field was not as evolved as today. Hence, back then, most of the theories regarding dental care had no way of getting proved or disapproved as fact or fiction, respectively. Read More 

Dental Surgery For Children: Why Is It Important And Is It Safe?

An unpopular topic in children's dentistry is dental surgery for children. Although it is uncommon, sometimes the dentist might recommend a dental procedure for your young one. As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes doing as much research on children's dental surgery before agreeing to it. Here is why it is essential to follow through with the recommended dental surgery for your child and why you shouldn't worry. Read More 

Poor Dental Habits You Need To Stop Immediately

Your dental habits may be what is causing your teeth to easily break, rot, stain, and could also be the cause of your bad breath as well. These poor dental habits may also cause you other issues as well, including gingivitis and receding gums. If you have poor dental habits, it's time to make a change now. Read on for some poor dental habits you may have and what you should be doing differently to help give you a healthier smile. Read More 

Three Tips To Ensure A Fast Recovery From Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are typically a last resort for dental health when a tooth has become so badly damaged by infection or physical injury that it can't be saved. If you're going to go through a dental extraction soon or suspect that you may need one, rest assured that you're in good hands with your dentist. However, the steps you take at home are nearly as important to ensure that you have a swift and comfortable recovery. Read More 

Prolonged Bleeding After Dental Extraction: What It Can Mean

Dental extractions cause bleeding, but this should be largely under control by the time you leave the dental practice. Your dentist will generally pack the site with sterile gauze to act as a pressure pack and will give you instructions on how (and when) to change the gauze. Your bleeding will rapidly subside; however, you will still produce saliva tinged with blood for a short period. But what does it mean when your bleeding begins to increase? Read More